What is Teeth Whitening?

What is Teeth Whitening?

You probably have seen ads and promotions for whitening teeth here and there, and you may have been having questions about what is teeth whitening. Modern teeth whitening is simply a technique or strategy used to lighten teeth while also removing stains or discoloration. Considered to be one of the most popular types of cosmetic dentistry available today, teeth whitening can greatly improve the overall appearance of teeth. While the procedure can be done on a limited basis at home in most cases it is performed by a dentist in a professional setting. Keep in mind that for whitening to be fully effective it may require multiple treatments. In addition, the procedure should be repeated occasionally as a way to maintain brighter colored teeth. In most instances teeth become stained or discolored due to the use of tobacco or the use of certain medications.

Teeth Whitening - Before and After

Even drinking dark colored liquids like red wine, tea or coffee can permanently stain teeth. Those who do not routinely maintain good oral hygiene at home may also experience discoloration of the teeth. That is why teeth whitening treatments have become so effective and so important in today’s world. Your dental care provider can help you deal with a wide range of tooth discoloration related problems through the use of highly effective teeth whitening techniques. As a note, your dentist may monitor the progress of your whitening to ensure the greatest level of success. Talk with your dentist in Pewaukee, Dr. Hamedi at Healthy Smiles Dental Care (My Pewaukee Dentist) today for more information on teeth whitening techniques and procedures.

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